The movie Saw 4 was released last friday, and it was a really good news to me because I am super fan of that movie. Saw series are kinds of horror movie, but the most attractive part is the scenario of the movie. Saw 1,2,3 and 4 were connected closely; in anthor word, if you have ever seen those episodes before, you may not understand what's going on out here. I was trying to convince somepeople to go to movie with us; neverless, only Allen and some friends of mine went to movie togethere. It seems that Allen was confused because he has never seen that movie before, yet I could explain some deatials to him well becasue I am a pro here wohahaha!! That movie was really good I highly recommond all of you guys to watch that movie form Saw1 to Saw4 after that I am sure tha you will have a good understanding about one's life. I love this movie is not only because its polt but also because some meanings that hid behind the movie itself. Also I like this dialogue from leading actor "I wanna play a game".