Sunday, July 22, 2007

Makeļ¼”Beautiful Dream Come True

I wrote this paragraph because I moved to downtown recently, and I live in a apartment, which is next to the railway. It reminds me that CPR-Canadian pacific railway was bulit by Chinese works. Between 1860 and 1870, besides mining, early Chinese pioneers also worked on many public projects in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. In 1879, the construction of Canadian Pacific Railway was started; more than 1500 experienced Chinese railway workers came to Canada to help build the railway, the number of the Chinese worker increased to 7000 when the construction was finished. When the early Chinese immigrates stepped on the land of Canada, they not only faced a beautiful country but also hardships and obstacles: they didn’t speak English, they worked longer but got paid less then white workers, they were facing anti Chinese feeling although they contributed greatly to the development of Canadian society. Even while facing many hardships, the Chinese immigrates still follow the traditions that they had followed for generations. They did not forget their family and continue to send money back faithfully. Like most new immigrants, many Chinese also dreamed of some day returning to their native land for retirement. They dreamed of being united with their families. They dreamed that their children would never suffer the hardship that they had been through. They dreamed that one day they would call Canada their home. Although the days were long and hard, and the night was cold and lonely, they continued to hope that their dreams would come true.

Monday, July 16, 2007

History Again!

I am getting tired of attending history lecture so I chose geography of world affairs. I thought there were something new for me, but there were not. Instead, the instructor delivered a lecture about European history, yet I really loved it^_^. The first half of the lecture was about the ancient European history, and in the second half the discussion was based on the modern European history. I attended the entire lecture. The instructor first talked about the earliest cultures such as Greece and Rome that appeared in Mediterranean Sea region. He also discussed not only the causes, which led to the collapse of Roman Empire, but also the significant impacts of several important events in European history such as Industrial Revolution, WWI, WWII and the Cold War. This is my fourth time to attend a formal University lecture; I have attended another three lectures like this one before. However, this lecture proved to be the most difficult one. Obviously, there were too many buzzwords in each field of study, and we are not able to know them all. Even though I am familiar with the topic and the terms on the history, I still had some problems comprehending the lecture, this is not only because of the talking speed of the professor, but also his accent. I think attending more lectures like this will be helpful for me to adapt to the university life and the environment more quickly.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Saving Private Ryan

I was so bored recently; therefor, I watched some old movies. The most impressive one was called Saving Private Ryan. This story was written by Robert Rodat, and the movie was directed by Steven Spielberg. Tom Hanks played leading actor in this movie. The story told about a private, whom is named Ryan, lost all of his brother in the combat. There was a policy at that time which protected those families that have more then two children who were sent to the army. If any one of them died in the combat the rest will be sent back to his hometown. In this story, private Ryan has two older brother died during the fighting in order to protect his family from losing too many children. He has to be sent back home. There was a squad leaded by Captain John H. Miller(Tom Hanks) to search him and to bring him back. In my opinion, they should be considered as heroes. Even though they knew that they were heading to the front, noboy fell back. The drop scene was not bad, at the nick time of the last scene the reinforcement have arrived; however, most of people died including John H. Miller. They sacrificed themselves not only for Ryan, but also for courage and responsibility. They accomplished their duty, and they are the real heroes!