I wrote this paragraph because I moved to downtown recently, and I live in a apartment, which is next to the railway. It reminds me that CPR-Canadian pacific railway was bulit by Chinese works. Between 1860 and 1870, besides mining, early Chinese pioneers also worked on many public projects in British Columbia and Vancouver Island. In 1879, the construction of Canadian Pacific Railway was started; more than 1500 experienced Chinese railway workers came to Canada to help build the railway, the number of the Chinese worker increased to 7000 when the construction was finished. When the early Chinese immigrates stepped on the land of Canada, they not only faced a beautiful country but also hardships and obstacles: they didn’t speak English, they worked longer but got paid less then white workers, they were facing anti Chinese feeling although they contributed greatly to the development of Canadian society. Even while facing many hardships, the Chinese immigrates still follow the traditions that they had followed for generations. They did not forget their family and continue to send money back faithfully. Like most new immigrants, many Chinese also dreamed of some day returning to their native land for retirement. They dreamed of being united with their families. They dreamed that their children would never suffer the hardship that they had been through. They dreamed that one day they would call Canada their home. Although the days were long and hard, and the night was cold and lonely, they continued to hope that their dreams would come true.
Enjoy your new home~~
hi Mark, your history knowledge is so wonderful!
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