Sunday May 27, 2007 rainy
Today is a bad day for me becasue some thing wrong with my lovely comtuter. My cpu always works in 100% lord when I was searching information by using IE. I didn't know why, and I was trying to figure that out, trial and error. Finally, I realized that the problem came form IE plug-in, which one called Adobe Flash Player. suddenly, another problem came out that is my IE can not display flash without that plug-in. If I keep using that my PC will be extremely slow. It is also a big burden to my cpu. What shuold I do!!!
Do not worry about it. Everything will be fine.~~~~~~~Good luck to you!
yo dude~i had the same problem before and wut i did?just simply FORMAT ur pc!!!lols!u gonna loose everything u have saved in ur computer,but!u can reinstall it:) i know it takes time,but dude come on!nobody wanna use a sh.ty computer right?
or--a better idea!just simply "fire in the hple"!burn ur little computer,and take a picture of it and send to ur parents to require a new one:):))lols!
have fun^_^
Haha~~your laptop was broken?
I think you must have the technique to make it work again~~
Have a good mood~~~~:p
take care your computer.
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