I played a game recenty which is called mediaeval: total war. It was really awesome!!. I will say that it is a really good combination because I am a super fan of both game and history; in addition, there is a part of mediaeval history that I have never covered before, the crusades. I was really curious about the crusade because history can reflect the polities, the religions, and even the hot world issues such as what the hell is going on out here in the middle east. All of them are very attractive to me. First off all, I was shocked becaue there were eight times crusades between 1095-1270. The purpose of eight times crusades was simple. They fought so enthusiastic for the "god" and their bishop, who did not give a damn about his people life. "Killing a heathenry is not a murder the bishop said that" We can tell that how craze those people are at that time. The Europe was truly in a chao and darkness. Second, the war between the christians, the muslims ,and the jews has begain for almost 1000 years ago. They were killing each other just becuase all of them believed in the different "god". Basing on my good understanding of world war history and research, I believe that trigger of any war which happened between the christians, the muslims ,and the jews is not faith but interests. The religions act as a propagandistic tool. It is so popular and powerful that nobody can disobey. unfortunately, people have never realized that since they were being used. LOL That is why I am a antitheist. As conclusion, I really recommend my friends to learn some history stuffs It's god damn awesome!!!!
History is indeed very interesting, and the Crusades is a dark chapter. It's incredible and not understandable how people can "excuse" killing with the Bible. But "normal" people were not able to read then, so they just did what they were told.
Actually, I think it is even more tragic because all three religions actually believe in the same god. Anyway, on most days I feel pretty atheistic too.
Don't lost in games.
Do Not Play too much... hehehe
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